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Process Optimization


At first glance, a company seems to be attractive because of its desirable products or services. Looking a little more into the details, one learns that real attractivity is evidenced by lean processes.This is especially true if the processes are measurable, testable, repeatable with minimum failure rate, and if they are subsequently introduced into the company's development, administration, production and service operations.

Designing and evaluating those lean processes is the target of the following methods and tools, which are used to improve the efficiency of the whole company:

BPO - Business Process Optimization - Lean Management -
The comprehensive analysis and optimization of business practices.

Six Sigma Method -
An option to achieve maximum product quality - especially if no "black belt" is currently available.

TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
Make yourself successful by eliminating loss and waste within processes.

DOE - Design of Experiments -
The efficient planning and running of successful statistical tests.

The Taguchi - Methods -
An expert methodology to achieve robust products and processes.

The Shainin - Methods -
Clearly determine the most important improvement and work it out with highest priority.

Kaizen -
Continuously increase competitiveness by looking for waste and eliminating it.
